Piedmont Believer’s Conventions
These photos are from the Piedmont Believer’s Convention held at the Holiday Inn in Winston-Salem, NC. Tapes, books, and other literature was available at the product tape at the meetings, and many availed themselves of the materials to feed their faith! Tape messages of each meeting were available immediately after each service!
Brother Bill Bailey ministered supernaturally after teaching and laid hands on the sick. Many were healed, and had their needs met supernaturally! Brother Beechard Moorefield’s ministry team provided excellent ushering and music ministry.
One exciting aspect of the Piedmont Believer’s Conventions was the fact that ministers of the Gospel came together as a team to effectively minister the Word of God. Beechard Moorefield (below at left) and Ron Cohn (shown below at right,) joined with Brother Bill to minister as a team!
The high quality praise and worship, excellence of ministry and teaching, and supernatural ministry were hallmarks of these powerful meetings! Part of the vision of Word of Faith Ministries is to “showcase ministries,” and this was a vital part of each Piedmont Believer’s Convention! People attended from all over the Piedmont North Carolina area!
Here is a list of the Piedmont Believer’s Conventions that were held throughout the Piedmont Triad Area of North Carolina:
November 17-21, 1980 Piedmont Believers Convention, Winston-Salem, NC
March 16-19, 1981 PBC Helps Seminar, Winston-Salem, NC
April 27-May 2, 1981 Piedmont Believers Convention, Winston-Salem, NC
November 9-14, 1981 Piedmont Believers Convention, Winston-Salem, NC
March 29-April 3, 1982 Piedmont Believers Convention, Concord, NC