About The Ministry

Word of Faith Ministries, Incorporated is a non-profit Christian Church organization in North Carolina that was founded in 1980 by Dr. Bill Bailey. Dr. Bailey teaches the uncompromising Word of Faith message from God’s Word, and has been an ordained minister for over forty years.
Since he began publicly teaching the Word of Faith message in the late 1970’s, Dr. Bill’s heart has been to fulfill the vision God gave him. In August of 1980, right before ministering a message in the church he was pastoring at the time, he heard God say, “Write down the vision,” and proceeded to give him the vision of Word of Faith Ministries, which is:
“To Proclaim the Word of Faith, be a Showcase of Ministries, and Train People to Fulfill the Word of God.”
Dr. Bill wrote down the vision and has meditated on it ever since. Over time, the Lord expounded on the meaning of this vision for Word of Faith Ministries! So, let’s take a brief look at what it means:
What is the “Word of Faith?”
Dr. Bill once asked, in prayer, “What is the essence of my ministry?” And, God whispered, “Speak Faith!” Dr. Bill has gone on to speak his faith with every available voice! When the Apostle Paul spoke of his ministry, and the ministry of those that he traveled with, he said that it was “…the Word of Faith, which we preach.” (Romans 10:8) He went on to explain that the message was that: “…the Word is nigh (near) thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart.” (Romans 10:8), and, “that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. (verse 9) For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”
This is, in essence, the heart of the Word of Faith message… confession of the mouth, and believing with the heart. It is the basis of everything that we receive from God, whether it is salvation, healing, financial blessing, or divine protection. In fact, the Greek words “sozo” (the verb,) and “soteria” (the noun,) both mean, essentially, “to be saved, delivered, healed, protected, and made whole; spirit, soul, body, financially and socially, and delivered from temporal evil.” This is the “salvation” that confession is “made unto.” Believing with the heart and confessing that faith with your mouth, is the key to every area of your life! God said, “Faith is the Key!”
In fact, many years ago, when Dr. Bailey was in high school, he was visiting a friend’s family home far out in the country. As he walked along a road, marveling at God’s wondrous creation, and heard God say very clearly to him, “Faith is the Key!” Dr. Bill turned this phrase around in his mind for many years, and eventually found himself receiving from the anointed ministry of Kenneth Copeland, and Kenneth E. Hagin. Indeed, their teachings concerning faith transformed Dr. Bill’s life in a powerful way. The word “Gospel” means “good news,” and, indeed, the message of faith is the message of Good News to all of mankind! Primarily, the Gospel message is to receive Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, but when you do, you aren’t simply saved from Hell and destined for Heaven, (though that is certainly a tremendous blessing that we don’t take for granted!) In fact, you are also saved for service here on earth! And, after receiving the Baptism in the Holy Ghost, we are also empowered by the Spirit for that service! In these Web pages, articles, and messages, you will find a tremendous wealth of information on how to live a life that Proclaims the Word of Faith!
A Showcase of Ministries
What does it mean to be a “showcase of ministries?” God explained it to Brother Bill this way, “A showcase is where a vendor displays his finest things.” Part of Dr. Bill’s ministry is to “showcase,” or, present, different ministries and ministers to folks, that will minister life to them. Very often, that means the Ministry of Helps, or, offering concrete aid and support to other ministers. One way that Dr. Bill does this is to help his Pastor, Dr. Edward A. Taylor, who pastors Expedition Church of Triad. Also, many years ago, Dr. Bailey founded the North Carolina Fellowship of Word Ministries, and, through that organization, helped many ministers through out North Carolina develop their church infrastructure. Today, Dr. Bailey serves at Expedition Church of the Triad, as a part of the Ministry of Helps there, and as Technical Director of WOFR.org – Word of Faith Radio, helping Brother Harold Cagle, Jr., President of Word of Faith Broadcasting, Inc. reach out via Internet and Low Power Radio! He also created, and constantly updates, the Roku Channel called “SpeakFaith.TV” which, indeed, showcases many Word of Faith ministers across the world! In 2019, this vision expanded furthe, with the addition of the SpeakFaith.TV Live Stream available on the Internet at: https:/sftv.io 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year! Dr. Bill is also a charter member, and very active in, the International Convention of Faith Ministries, and has spoken on Helps Ministry at the ICFM Annual Convention several times.
Training People to Fulfill the Word of God
And that brings us to the third aspect of the vision, “Training People to Fulfill the Word of God.” Dr. Bill is primarily a Bible teacher. His heart is to train people to live by the Word of God, love the Word, and fulfill the Word! We trust that you will find this web site, and The Speak Faith Video and Audio Netcasts, as well as The Speak Faith Radio Broadcast, excellent resources to help you do just that!